Comment on the last scene of Doctor Faustus.

Comment on the last scene of "Doctor Faustus"

comment on the last scene of doctor faustus
Doctor Faustus

The final scene of Christopher Marlowe's play "Doctor Faustus" is a powerful and moving conclusion to the story of the titular character, who has made a deal with the devil in exchange for knowledge and power. The scene is a powerful commentary on the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of making deals with the devil.

Throughout the play, Faustus is depicted as a highly ambitious and intelligent man who is driven by a desire for knowledge and power. He is a highly respected scholar and professor, but he is also deeply dissatisfied with his current state of knowledge and wants to gain more. In order to do this, he turns to the devil, offering his soul in exchange for 24 years of unlimited knowledge and power.

At first, Faustus seems to have made a good deal. He is able to accomplish many incredible feats, such as traveling to distant lands, summoning demons and spirits, and performing impressive feats of magic. However, as the years pass, Faustus begins to realize the terrible mistake he has made. He is consumed by guilt and despair as he realizes that his time is running out and that he will soon be dragged off to hell.

comment on the last scene of doctor faustus

In the final scene, Faustus is alone in his study, reflecting on his life and the choices he has made. He is wracked with guilt and remorse, knowing that he has made a deal with the devil and that his soul is damned. He tries to repent and ask for forgiveness, but it is too late. The clock strikes midnight, and Faustus is dragged off to hell by demons.

The final scene is a powerful commentary on the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of making deals with the devil. Faustus is depicted as a tragic figure, a man who was consumed by his own ambition and ultimately destroyed by it. The play serves as a cautionary tale to the audience, warning them of the dangers of making deals with the devil and the importance of being content with what they have.

Furthermore, the play also serves as a commentary on the nature of power and knowledge. Faustus is depicted as someone who is driven by a desire for more knowledge and power, but in the end, he realizes that these things are ultimately empty and meaningless. He learns that true wisdom and understanding come from living a virtuous life, not from making deals with the devil.

The play also touches on the theme of repentance and redemption. Faustus realizes that it's too late for him to repent and be forgiven but the audience is left to ponder about the possibility of redemption.

In conclusion, the final scene of Doctor Faustus is a powerful and moving conclusion to the story of the titular character. It serves as a powerful commentary on the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of making deals with the devil. It is a cautionary tale to the audience and provides a powerful moral lesson about the nature of power and knowledge, repentance, and redemption. It's a classic play that has stood the test of time and continues to be relevant in today's society.

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