Doctor Faustus as a Tragic Hero: An Analysis of Marlowe's Play

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Doctor Faustus, written by Christopher Marlowe, is one of the most iconic plays in English literature. The play revolves around the character of Doctor Faustus, a highly educated man who makes a deal with the devil in exchange for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. The play has been interpreted in many ways over the years, but one of the most prevalent interpretations is that of Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero. In this article, we will explore the elements that make Doctor Faustus a tragic hero and how they contribute to the play's overall impact.

The Definition of a Tragic Hero

A tragic hero is a character in a play or story who possesses noble qualities, but also has flaws that lead to their downfall. The character's downfall is typically the result of a combination of fate and their own actions. In order to be considered a tragic hero, a character must evoke pity and fear in the audience. In Doctor Faustus, the character of Doctor Faustus embodies all of these elements, making him a classic example of a tragic hero.

The Noble Qualities of Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus is a highly educated man who is at the top of his field. He is a master of the arts and sciences and is widely respected by those around him. His intelligence and knowledge are his greatest assets, and they are what make him a noble character. However, despite his noble qualities, Doctor Faustus is not without his flaws.

Doctor Faustus as a Tragic Hero: An Analysis of Marlowe's Play
Doctor Faustus

The Flaws of Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus is a proud and ambitious man who is never satisfied with what he has. He is constantly searching for more knowledge and more power, and this leads him to make a deal with the devil. His pride and ambition are his downfall, as they lead him to make a deal that he cannot break. Despite the warning of others, Doctor Faustus persists in his desire for more power and knowledge, and this eventually leads to his downfall.

The Downfall of Doctor Faustus

The downfall of Doctor Faustus is the result of a combination of fate and his own actions. Despite the warning of others, Doctor Faustus persists in his desire for more power and knowledge, and this eventually leads to his downfall. In the end, he is unable to escape his deal with the devil, and he is forced to pay the ultimate price for his pride and ambition.

The Impact of Doctor Faustus as a Tragic Hero

The impact of Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero is that he evokes pity and fear in the audience. His noble qualities and flaws make him a relatable character, and his downfall is both tragic and frightening. The play is a warning against pride and ambition, and it shows the consequences of making a deal with the devil. By presenting Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero, Marlowe is able to explore the themes of morality, temptation, and the dangers of unchecked ambition.


In conclusion, Doctor Faustus is a classic example of a tragic hero. His noble qualities, flaws, and downfall all contribute to the play's overall impact, making it a timeless piece of literature. The play serves as a warning against pride and ambition, and it shows the consequences of making a deal with the devil. If you have not already, we highly recommend reading Doctor Faustus and experiencing the timeless tale of a man's downfall for yourself.

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