What are the five pre-conditions Faustus sets down in the contract?

Describe the bloody contract.

What are the five pre-conditions Faustus sets down in the contract?
Dr Faustus

In Christopher Marlowe's play "Doctor Faustus," the character Faustus makes a deal with the devil in which he exchanges his soul for knowledge and power. As part of this contract, Faustus sets down several pre-conditions that he expects the devil to abide by. The five key pre-conditions Faustus sets down in the contract with the devil in the play "Doctor Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe include:

  1. Faustus will not repent or ask for forgiveness: Faustus knows that by making a deal with the devil, he is committing a sin and will be damned to eternal hell. However, he chooses to go through with it anyway and makes it clear that he will not change his mind and ask for forgiveness.

  2. Faustus will not use his powers to harm anyone: Faustus sets this condition to ensure that he will not be tempted to use his newfound powers for evil deeds. He wants to use them only for knowledge and personal gain.

  3. Faustus will give up his soul to the devil after 24 years: Faustus agrees to give up his eternal soul to the devil in exchange for 24 years of limitless power and knowledge.

  4. The devil will not harm Faustus's body: Faustus sets this condition to protect himself from any physical harm that the devil may cause.

  5. The devil will serve Faustus and fulfill his desires: Faustus wants the devil to be his servant and fulfill his every desire during the 24 years of their contract.

It's worth mentioning that, the play Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe is a morality play and it's meant to show the audience the consequences of a man who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for temporal pleasures and power.

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